Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Favorite Subject


We learned new topic in math, trigonometry. I was delighted to be challenged by some complicated math question. Our teacher always give us homework at the end of the class. He said that the most important thing in homework is showing the way, because the answer can be got from the back of the book. I like solving problems, that's why I like studying math.


In chemistry, we learned the most about acid and base. The combination of acid and base, acid and alkali, acid and metal, etc. Mr. Tri, our chemistry teacher, taught us the simplest way to solve the chemistry problems. It is fun to study chemistry because Mr. Tri is a funny person and he sometimes make joke so that the class would not be boring.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My favourite 2 subjects


                Math is really fun, you can test your brain by math activities. Our teacher teaches us the short way to solve a problem. In math, We need to practice a lot so that we will get used to solve a very hard problem. The importance of math is that you have to show the way how you get your answer correctly, because the answer is already in the back of the book.
                Our math lesson is quiet hard for me to understand. Our teacher explain a lot and write so many problems on the white board, sometimes it confused me. Usually, I only can understand about the lesson after the teacher put the formula down.
                We always got homework every the end of math lesson, I think it’s good to have homework because We can increase our skill by practicing at home. I never pay attention so much on my math teacher, that’s why I never got a perfect score on math test. But I’ll do my best to keep my math score above the class average.


                I like Physical Education, it’s really fun. We can play any sport that we want. We have played football and basketball. This week we will play baseball. I don’t know how the teacher collect the score but what I care, It’s really fun and interesting.
                I have a very fast run, I use it in every sport I play. It tested our skill in sports too. It’s only one period and that’s not enough. I wish we had four periods on PE.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Poster Fisika

Untuk tugas portofolio, kami membuat poster tentang bahayanya zat - zat psikotropika seperti rokok, miras, dll. Saya tertarik dengan pencegahan asap rokok karena sangat merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain.

Hasil Pengamatan Pencangkokan

Pada Tugas ini saya membuat tentang laporan hasil pengamatan terhadap cangkokan yang saya dan ketiga teman saya (Faris, Ryandi dan Alvin)  buat. Pada saat pembuatan kami dibantu oleh ayahnya Faris, kebetulan ayahnya Faris bekerja di bidang kehutanan sehingga mengerti bagaimana cara mencangkok yang bagus. Pada saat pembuatan memang agak susah karena tanahnya selalu berkeluaran dari plastik.

Bahan bahan yang diperlukan
1.     Plastik kresek
2.   Tali plastik
3.   Tanah cocopit
4.   Tanah biasa
5.   Pisau
Langkah langkah pembuatan
1.     Kikis perlahan batang yang ingin dicangkok dengan pisau sampai kambium dari batang tersebut terlihat.
2.   Kambium dapat menghambat proses pencangkokan sehingga harus dibersihkan
3.   Ikatkan plastik yang berisi dengan tanah cocopit dan tanah biasa dengan tali plastik ke batang
4.   Setelah diikat lubangi plastik dengan pisau agar air yang disiram dapat bertukar

Hasil Pengamatan
Setelah kira – kira hampir 1 bulan hasil cangkokan yang kami buat belum berubah. Cangkokan masih belum mengeluarkan akar. Tetapi daun yang berada setelah cangkokan tersebut masih hidup dan batangnya belum layu, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa cangkokan tersebut masih hidup.

Basket Ball Table

Week   1
Week  2
Week  3
Lay up
Short Distance
Long Distance

Aliens in brazil, amazon real or fake ?


Gambar berikut merupakan hasil kerja kelompok saya dengan Alvin dan Thasya dalam memuat informasi tentang kubus.